ലക്കം: 1
Trombay Township Fine Arts Club (Regd.)
Room No.1, Cultural Complex, Takshasila Square, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai - 94
ഏപ്രിൽ 2017
  Cover Page  
The broken to Messiah
Chaithanya Raveendran
“There is a breaking point for everything”- A very common phrase which you must have heard and told millions of time.
But is it actually true?

How many times have you let other people break your heart, soul, mind, trust or your body? You have seen it being broken numerous times and still you have come up with an excuse to justify that event, that situation. We always hope that it will get better; that the next time someone would not break it or berate it. But this hope of a next time is a distant dream like a mirage in the endless desert of grief.

And every time you pick up those broken pieces and join them again, waiting for someone else to take care of it, you lose yourself in the process, of waiting for someone else. When that doesn’t happen, you don’t lose hope, you keep on anticipating that the day will come, when your saviour comes to protect you.

But no one comes and you realize that this process cannot go on further. It is high time we picked up those broken pieces, joined them and nourished them ourselves. Because no matter how much anyone loves us, only we can listen and feel our heart beating inside us always. We are the only one, we can depend on for eternity and every time you let it break, you lose yourself.

Hold it for once and never let it go away, be there for yourself irrespective of anybody else’s presence. Believe me, you will get yourself back again. Once we take a step forward towards ourselves, we will always have our back forever.

Instead of waiting for a Prince on a white horse, learn to be your own Knight in shining armour. There is only one message that I would like to give to all those broken hearts broken souls and broken people out there- BE YOUR OWN MESSIAH!!
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  The broken to Messiah
Chaithanya Raveendran
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